Creating connections. Enhancing communication.

Our mission

At Connections Speech and Language Center, we believe in the power of collaboration. Enhancing communication starts with building a strong connection between patient and therapist.

We believe...

...that skills taught in our therapy sessions are just the beginning. We strive for opportunities to teach, learn and grow not only in a therapy room but out in the world.

We celebrate...

...every success, as we know how motivating the simplicity of praise can be. Let's connect.

> Services
> Therapy Steps

The main goal of speech therapy is to improve communication. We strive to build communication skills following a patient-led approach. Services include: 

  • Language - We support the spoken and written language needs of both adults and children
  • Speech - Interventions for the full array of speech sound disorders including apraxia of speech
  • Oral Facial Myology - Establish, maintain or restore function to the muscles of the neck and face, and in particular, the lips and tongue ​
  • Social Communication - We provide support to the emergence of verbal and nonverbal skills, social interaction, and social cognition
  • Occupational Therapy - We work to gain independence while strengthening the development of fine motor, sensory motor and visual motor skills.

Request a consultation

Connections offers a 15 minute consultation to discuss whether or not further speech and language evaluation may be right for your family.
Please complete the request form below and we will contact you soon.

Phone: 517-258-7889
Fax: 833-559-0901

616 S. Creyts Road
Suite B 
Lansing, MI 48917